Early purple orchids, bluebells and ramsons, are all strong indicator species of ancient woodland. |
There has been a long history of botanists surveying the British Isles and compiling lists of the flora found. When those plant lists are cross referenced against the historical evidence for woodland, then it becomes apparent that there are plant species intimately associated with woods that have a long history. Historical woodland ecologists have demonstrated from plant surveys that medieval
secondary woodland detached from primary woodland is still deficient in many woodland plants and even medieval secondary woodland adjacent to primary woodland can be poorer in the numbers of woodland specialists, which implies ancient woodland is an irreplaceable habitat.
Yellow archangel, dog's mercury, herb paris, ramsons, hart's-tongue ferns, bluebells and a derelict wych elm coppice stool with suckers. |
The Woodland Trust commissioned Sheffield Hallam University to research and survey
the coverage, use and application of Ancient Woodland Indicator Lists in the UK and in the report appendix is a table of 37 regional and county AWI species lists, including one from central/northern Europe. Yew (Taxus battaca) featured on just 7 lists which I found odd as a Yew authority Toby Hindson wrote about the ages of
woodland Yews at Alice Holt Inclosure in Hampshire.
The categorisation of yews
by age or size is a thorny issue, I use 5 meters or 16.7 feet in churchyards as the watershed for
“ancient”. Experience has led me to regard any wild yew over 12 feet in girth as unusually
large and important, a wild specimen over 14 feet in girth I have found to be very rare.
A woodland Yew with a girth of
3m is over 400 years old and that age precedes the AD1600 cut off point for planted woodland. As far as I know there have been no record of notable yews in secondary woodland. Yews over 3m girth are not uncommon in the ancient woods of West Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Monmouthshire and Powys, even in those woods overlying acidic sandstones.
Two yews well over 400 years in age in a beech plantation. Elsewhere in the wood are out size small leaved lime coppice and veteran pollarded beech. The ground flora consists of wood anemones, bluebells, dog's mercury and ramsons. |
In lieu of an AWI species list for Herefordshire/ West Gloucestershire that covers the Forets of Dean/Lower Wye Valley I compiled a proxy list* from the species lists for East Wales (81 species), South Wales (103 species), South East Wales (87 species), South West (110 species), Shropshire (90 species) and Worcestershire (109 species). The rationale being the bedrock geology, topography, proximity, climate and the mixed broadleaved woods of the
Welsh borderlands. Although I'm clueless on being able to name many of the grasses, sedges, rushes and wild flowers in the field, there does seem to be a fair correlation between the ones I am aware of when in leaf or flower and ancient woodland. Links to the scientific name go to the plant species page at the
Online Atlas of the British and Irish flora and distribution maps. (SWE) South West England, (SW) South Wales, (EW) East Wales, (SEW) South East Wales, (Sh) Shropshire, (Wo) Worcestershire.
Trees and shrubs
Number of Scientific name Common name
Lists (Max 6)
6 Acer campestre Field maple
6 Euonymus europaeus Spindle
6 Quercus petraea Sessile oak
6 Sorbus torminalis Wild service tree
6 Tilia cordata Small leaved lime
6 Ulmus glabra Wych elm
5 Daphne laureola Spurge-laurel (SWE,Sh,Wo,SW,SEW)
5 Frangula alnus Alder buckthorn (Wo, SWE, SW, EW, SEW)
5 Populus tremula Aspen (SWE,So,SW,EW.SEW)
5 Viburnum opulus Guelder rose(Sh, SWE, SW, EW, SEW)
4 Ilex aquifolium Holly (SWE,So,SW,EW)
4 Prunus avium Wild cherry (SWE,Wo,SW,EW)
4 Taxus baccata Yew (Sh, SEW, SW, EW)
4 Ribes rubrum Redcurrant (SEW,SW,EW,SEW)
3 Prunus padus Bird cherry (SW, EW, SEW)
2 Daphne mezereum Mezereon (SW,SEW)
2 Rhamnus cathartica Purging buckthorn (SW,SEW)
2 Tilia platyphyllos Large leaved lime (Sh,Wo)
2 Cornus sanguinea Dogwood (Sh,Wo)
Number of Scientific name Common name
Lists (Max 6)
6 Polystichum aculeatum Hard shield-fern
6 Equisetum sylvaticum Wood horsetail
6 Dryopteris affinis Scaly male fern
4 Dryopteris aemula Hay-scented buckler-fern (SWE,SW,EW,SEW)
4 Oreopteris limbosperma Lemon-scented fern (SWE,Sh,Wo,SW)
4 Polypodium vulgare Common polypody fern (SWE,Wo,SW,EW)
3 Gymnocarpium dryopteris Oak fern (Wo, SW,SEW)
3 Phyllitis scolopendrium Hart's-tongue fern (SW,Wo, EW)
2 Hymenophyllum tunbrigense Tumbridge filmy film (SWE, SW)
2 Phegopteris connectilis Beech fern (SWE,SW)
1 Athyrium filix-femina Lady fern (Wo)
1 Hymenophyllum wilsonii Wilson's filmy fern (SW)
Thelypteris phegopteris
Grasses, rushes and sedges
Number of Scientific name Common name
Lists (Max 6)
6 Carex laevigata Smooth-stalked sedge
Flowering plants
Number of Scientific name Common name
Lists (Max 6)
6 Adoxa moschatellina Moschatel
6 Allium ursinum Ramsons
6 Galium odoratum Woodruff
6 Anemone nemorosa Wood anemone
6 Campanula trachelium Nettle-leaved bellflower
6 Chrysosplenium oppositifolium Opposite-leaved golden-saxifrage
6 Epipactis helleborine Broad-leaved helleborine
6 Euphorbia amygdaloides Wood spurge
6 Hypericum androsaemum Tutsan
6 Lamiastrum galeobdolon Yellow archangel
6 Lathraea squamaria Toothwort
6 Lysimachia nemorum Yellow pimpernel
6 Geum rivale Water avens
6 Hyacinthoides non -scripta Bluebell
6 Neottia nidus-avis Bird's-nest orchid
6 Orchis mascula Early-purple orchid
6 Oxalis acetosella Wood sorrell
6 Paris quadrifolia Herb paris
6 Primula vulgaris Primrose
6 Ranunculus auricomus Goldilocks buttercup
6 Sanicula europaea Wood sanicle
6 Veronica montana Wood speedwell
6 Vicia sylvatica Wood vetch
6 Viola reichenbachiana Early dog-violet
5 Chrysosplenium alternifolium Alternate-leaved golden-saxifrage (Sh,Wo,SW,EW,SEW)
5 Conopodium majus Pignut (SWE,Wo,SW,EW,SEW)
5 Convallaria majalis Lilly of the valley (SWE,Sh,SW,EW,SEW)
5 Iris foetidissima Stinking iris (SWE,Sh,Wo,SW,SEW)
5 Melampyrum pratense Common cow-wheat
5 Mercurialis perennis Dog's mercury (Sh,Wo,SW,EW,SEW)
5 Moehringia trinervia Three-nerved sandwort (SWE,Sh,SW,EW,SEW)
5 Platanthera chlorantha Greater butterfly-orchid (SWE,Sh,Wo,SW,SEW)
5 Polygonatum multiflorum Solomon's seal (SWE,Sh,SW,EW,SEW)
5 Solidago virgaurea European goldenrod (SWE,Sh,Wo.SW,EW)
4 Aquilegia vulgaris Columbine (SWE,Wo,SW,EW)
4 Helleborus viridis Green hellebore (SW,So,Wo,EW)
4 Lathyrus linifolius Bitter vetch (SWE,Wo,SW,EW)
4 Lathyrus sylvestris Narrow-leaved everlasting-pea (SWE,Sh,Wo,EW)
4 Myosotis sylvatica Wood forget-me-not (Sh,Wo,SW.EW)
4 Potentilla sterilis Barren strawberry (SWE,Sh,SW,SEW)
4 Narcissus pseudonarcissus Wild daffodil (SEW,Sh,Wo,EW)
3 Campanula latifolia Giant bellflower (Sh,Wo,EW)
3 Dipsacus pilosus Small teasel (SWE,Sh,Wo)
3 Hypericum pulchrum Slender St John's-wort (SWE,Wo,SW)
3 Melittis melissophyllum Bastard balm (SWE,SW,SEW)
3 Scrophularia nodosa Figwort (SW,EW,SEW
3 Stachys officinalis Betony (SWE,Sh,Wo)
3 Stellaria nemorum Wood Stitchwort (SEW, SW, EW)
3 Tamus communis Black byrony (SWE,SW,EW)
3 Vaccinium myrtillus Bilberry (SWE,Wo,SW)
3 Vicia sepium Bush vetch (SWE, SW, EW)
2 Aconitum napellus Monk's hood (SEW,Wo)
2 Calluna vulgaris Heather (SW,SEW)
2 Ceratocapnos claviculata Climbing corydalis (SWE,SW)
2 Colchicum autumnale Autumn crocus (SWE,Wo)
2 Corydalis claviculata Climbing corydalis (SWE,SEW)
2 Epipactis purpurata Violet Helleborine (Sh,Wo)
2 Gagea lutea Yellow Star-of-Bethlehem (Sh,Wo)
2 Stellaria holostea Greater stitchwort (Wo,EW)
Stellaria neglecta Greater chickweed (SW,SEW)
1 Arum maculatum Lord and Ladies (Sh)
1 Campanula patula Spreading bell flower (Wo)
1 Cephalanthera damasonium White helleborine (Wo)
1 Cephalanthera longifolia Narroe leaved helleborine (Wo)
1 Circaea lutetiana Enchanter's nightshade (EW)
1 Fragaria vesca Wild strawberry (Sh)
1 Geranium sanguineum Bloodt Cranesbill (Wo)
1 Geum urbanum Wood avens (SW)