Tuesday 28 June 2016

Paramo Cascada a long term review

Water beading on 12 year old Paramo Cascada jacket and trousers

The difference between hill walking and landscape photography in the hills is :
  • Your rucksack and its contents will be bulkier and heavier.
  • The heavier rucksack means increased exertion and more heat generated. To avoid hyperthermia, human thermoregulation is mainly accomplished by sweating to cool the body down.
  • Stops will be of a longer duration whilst waiting for the light. 
  • Increased effects of Windchill on a static body.
  • Quality light is at the extremes of the day when temperatures are lower. 
  • Photographing a sunset from a summit means ascending during a warmer period of the day

The video below is from a series by a British outdoor retailer appraising the virtues of outdoor jackets and is a fair representation of the Paramo jacket philosophy on weatherproofing.

Paramo have also produced a video that demonstrates how the fabric works.

Before an interest in landscape photography, I enjoyed walking the landscape and already had outdoor clothing that kept me comfortable in the British climate. The clothing resulted from experience i.e poor purchasing decisions and from empirical evidence that in inclement weather on the hills you were sure to see the Paramo logo.  Chatting with Paramo users in the hills elicited user opinions and guidance. Paramo also appeared socially responsible and environmentally aware, which held some appeal.

A cool, wet and windy Glyderau in November is ideal for wearing Cascada jacket and trousers
Circa 2004 I invested in a Cascada jacket (green) and Cascada trousers (navy) and established that there are indeed GOOD things :

  • Breathability
  • Windproof
  • Weatherproof
  • Thermal insulation even when wetted out was good and when it stops raining the heat generated from activity will dry out the inner.
  • Noise free clothing.
  • The wired peaked hood was a revelation at the time, ditto the scooped back on the jacket.
  • Abrasion resistance from pack straps.
  • Durability
  • Minor tears easily repaired.
  • In colder weather the trousers can be worn as overtrousers and they are easy to put on and remove whilst still standing.

There are also NOT SO GOOD things or Caveat Empor  :

  • After the manufacturer's proofing has worn away, sadly it is you who has responsibility for reproofing the garments with Nikwax. 
  • You will become proactive in keeping the garments waterproofed i.e carefully following the instructions. 
  • The amount of proactivity is dependent on variables: how often the garments are worn, how dirty the outer surfaces are, how much you sweat etc. Machine washing and reproofing will necessitate taking an unhealthy interest in the cleanliness of the washing machine especially the soap/detergent dispensing draw and no doubt investigating the virtues of hand washing, air drying and tumble drying.
  • Kneeling, sitting or leaning against wet surfaces reveals the materials limitations under compression.
  • I found that Cascada garments are more suited to cooler weather.
  • Cleaning peat bog stains from trouser bottoms, I have given up on.
  • Easily punctured by thorns, brambles, not so easily ripped though as the thorns were embedded in my flesh ... I have good sense to instinctively avoid close contact with Dog rose shrubs and thorn trees.
  • The trouser zips infuriatingly can get snagged and after much faffing can be released. Also the trouser belt hoops are too small for a large majority of belts and the draw strings could be longer.
  • The Paramo Cascada garments cut and styling could be euphemistically described as universal and classic. Fashionista's loath Paramo with a passion.
  • I have found that every so often a really DEEP CLEAN is required to remove all the old and accumulated Nikwax, ingrained grime etc. A machine wash in Biological powder and washing soda. Then a Nikwax TX Direct reproof. Failure to take heed of the warning signs and implement a preventative action of a DEEP CLEAN and reproofing will result in spectacular failure of waterproofing in inclement weather and an uncomfortable day out.
  • Whilst green and navy blends into the landscape it is perhaps not the best colour for alerting people of your presence; after walking in Norwegian woodland in the hunting season or returning to the car in the dark along roads, I can make a compelling case for more visible coloured clothing and reflector strips on the rucksack.

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