Saturday 25 June 2016


I was surprised to wake up on Friday and discover that 17.4 Million voters out of 46.5 Million registered UK voters had voted to leave the European Union and as a result the United Kingdom has democratically decided to leave the European Union.  The media has reported that a high percentage of people aged 65+ years voted to Leave. A large number of 16 and 17 year olds were ineligible to vote.

Coverage of the referendum by the media was in my opinion abject, what amounted to some very dubious claims made by both sides were not exposed for what they were and significant questions were not addressed. I cannot recollect any discussion on the Environment.

In lieu of any sense from the media, I read and watched some of the UK Parliament Treasury Select Committee hearings where questions were put to the protagonists from Remain and Leave campaign and also from independents.

The questions put to the Campaign Director of Vote Leave and responses given were insightful and alarming.

The Chairman of Vote Leave was very keen not to appear before the Select Committee

Another prominent Vote Leave member was taken to task on spurious claims

I voted to Remain as although the European Union is not perfect by any means, it seemed a wiser choice than the case presented by individuals of the Vote Leave campaign.

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