Sunday 10 April 2016

The previsioned atmospheric daffodil woodland photograph - theory and practice

The forecast was for clear skies, a windless dawn and an overnight frost. An unusual combination for late March in recent years and the warming rays of an early spring sun could potentially raise ethereal wisps of vapour or even better a blanket of vapour. With low angled sunlight shining through mist and tree trunks onto a carpet of wild daffodils, it would be the atmosphere that would do justice to a daffodil wood. The alarm was set.

Frost free wild daffodil carpet
On the drive to the wood the roadside foliage was covered with frost and the walk along the woodland ride was over frosted foliage. The woodland daffodil carpets were frost free, c'est la vie.

A wild daffodil wood sans frost
Suffice to write, the desired atmospherics didn't materialise, a slight haze would be the best description, sigh.

The sun rose quickly into a clear blue sky, which gives a small window for photography before harsh lighting and cool blue shadows dominate the scenery. With no prospect of overhead cloud, the camera gear is packed away and time to go walkabout, enjoy the sights and sounds of a spring woodland, with the warming rays of the sunshine.

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