Saturday 26 March 2016

A trip to a daffodil wood

The county flower of Gloucestershire is the wild daffodil and its stronghold is in the north-west of the county where it borders Herefordshire, in an area called the Golden Triangle.  There are fields, meadows, churchyards, orchards and woodland that are carpeted in wild daffodils, some of the best displays are in Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust nature reserves,. The video is courtesy of the GWT.

It was a fine spring day to visit the wood, with a chorus of birdsong as a backdrop and large bumble bees visiting the flowers. The woodland hinted at its ancient credentials with coppice stools of small leaved lime and emerging foliage of other flora indicative of ancient woodland. Probably at least a week early for the peak of daffodil flowering, but nonetheless a good day for a spring walk. One day the weather will align to produce a dawn that would do justice to the atmosphere of a daffodil wood, until then it is a matter of waiting patiently.

A daffodil wood.

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