Sunday 6 December 2015

Geology as inspiration for Landscape photography

I'd parked up on the A838 near Loch Laxford after an earlier excursion around Rhiconnich, with broken shower clouds and cold clear air, the weather held some potential for a winters sunset. I also had an image in mind. There is a distinct change in the nature of geology around Loch Laxford with intrusions of granite that disrupt the country rock, these granite intrusions have been used to constrain a tectonothermal event in Deep Time.

After a negotiating a brief but entertaining ascent, a search located what I had hoped for, a glacially scoured outcrop of granite/pegmatite and what appeared to be inclusions of gneiss. The outcrop had  sufficient prominence to catch the last light, with the hills of Arkle and Ben Stack as a backdrop. A case of waiting for the winter sun to drop into a cloud break and illuminate the scene with low angled modelling light. The sun did appear, the warm light enhanced the red granite and colours of the moorland grasses and a feeling of satisfaction that a plan held together, instead of unravelling.

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