Wednesday 21 October 2015

NW Highlands trip report - Part 4 wrap up

A potentially good forecast for dawn and after silencing the alarm a look out the window suggested I really should make an effort, there was a chance of mist in the Glens and clear skies to the east.   Parking up there was a 'breeze' so before heading up, a drive along to check whether a layer of mist was shrouding Loach Marees pine clad isles. There was no mist or frost so Plan A scuppered. Plan B a hike up the Beinn Eighe mountain trail to the conservation cairn for sunrise would be tight on time and being honest my calf muscles were protesting at the prospect of 500m ascent after the previous day's ascent. Plan C was cobbled together consulting the map under the car interior light and Plan C unravelled by discovering in head torchlight the path petered out into a feral tract of tussocky grass and bog, a retreat was made back to the car. Which is why I eventually ended up by the River Grudie, reflecting on the fact that I could have had an extra 1.5 hrs of kip.

The afternoon/evening was a wander over Lewisian Gneiss geology with a backdrop of the Torridon hills, the wind was blowing a bit.
Lewisian Gneiss outcrop refolded folds. Compass for scale.

There was sone nice light too at sundown and images of the cnoc and lochan scenery that characterises the lewisian gneiss terrain.

The last full day before heading back home wasn't the best forecast with wind, rain bands and extensive cloud at low level. A walk along the foreshore, through the woods and over the Ard Ialltaig gneiss exposures, seemed best.

Tree lungwort with apothecia (lobaria pulmonaria)
The geology exposures were challenging to see past the weathering, lichen and bryophyte communities. Some of the lichens I had an idea, others not a scooby. The high rainfall, clean air and diverse environments make the area a place of interest for bryophytologists and lichenologists.
Lichens - Blood spot (Ophioparma ventosa) and Cudbear (Ochrolechia tartarea) 
The trip was a good one, plenty of memorable wildlife sightings, the weather on Beinn Eighe and some good light.

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