Wednesday 21 October 2015

Internet forums and the Leica SL release

Lensrentals Roger Cicala pretty much covered gear forums with this parody of the Hammer Forum and the 300+ readers comments cover just about all the remaining aspects.  Roger Cicala then summed up perfectly the reaction of photography forums to a new product announcement with this graphic in a post on Roger's Law of New Product Introduction
Copyright Roger Cicala, Lensrentals,

It is fair to suggest that internet forums are the peanut galleries of the online world and some are more febrile than others. A new product release from Leica is akin to the proverbial red rag to a bull for photography forums, it seems to be an opportunity for some forum posters to vent their spleen and no doubt provide fruitful material for a group of psychologists to analyse.

Leica have announced the FF Mirrorless  SL Type 601 and a trawl through the usual suspects gives some insight into Leica's capacity to stir the emotions in the peanut galleries


Leica camera user forum

Luminous Landscape



I'm a member of and the one benefit of membership is you have an option to Hide posters, I exercise this option for posters who either, have strong opinions on photographic matters but demonstrate no evidence for actually taking photographs and/or display the unhealthy traits of religous fanboys. Which means threads such as the Leica SL reveal only a couple of posts on some pages and unsurprisingly it appears Sony A7 series owners are the most vocal.

My interest in the SL, is that I own legacy R lenses mounted via Leitax adapters on an approaching 8 yr old Canon 1Ds3. Canon discontinued the 1Ds series and every DSLR they've released since hasn't really compelled me to upgrade. Now the newly announced SL can mount R and M lenses via adapters, which also opens the way to some high quality M lenses. It will be interesting to see user reports on R and M lens performance on SL sensor. IF optical performance is uncompromised, I will certainly be very interested.

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