Monday 5 February 2018

The clean air of Coed-y-Rhaeadr

After days of wind and rain the weather forecast offered something quieter, still blanket cloud but with the wind easing.  Coed-y-Rhaeadr would be worth a visit with high water flows and there's also something of interest as the area is covered by the Coedydd Nedd a Mellte SAC designated for its old sessile oak woods and ravine woodland. Parking up and a group of walkers arrived back from their outing and were coated with mud to their knees, indicating the paths were in a poor condition.  The enthusiasm for a walking mudfest wasn't that great, so a walk  was made to an area with less footfall i.e sans waterfalls and one that straddles the geological boundary of Carboniferous sandstones (quartz arenites and conglomerates) and underlying limestone lithologies.

Coppiced oak and pollarded beech tree.

The geology also influences the flora with oak, hard fern (Blechnum spicant), common hair-cap moss (Polytrichum commune) indicating sandstone bedrock, whilst ash, wych elm and sycamore indicate limestone bedrock.
Veteran pollarded sycamore adjacent to a derelict track.

Within the woods there is also evidence for past habitation with long abandoned derelict trackways leading to equally derelict buildings. One substantial pile of rubble was intimately associated with several mature pollarded sycamore trees (neophytes) playing host to a visually impressive covering of native epiphytes including polypody ferns, bryophytes and macro-lichens. A nearby veteran ash tree trunk provided suitable habitat for an old growth forest lichen - Peltigera horizontalis.

Peltigera horizontalis

The attrition of wind and recent snowfall had brought down plenty of lichen covered twigs, branches and trees and in one area a beard lichen - Usnea Florida was conspicuous on the woodland floor and high up in the canopy. A lichen indicator of very low levels of atmospheric pollutants.

Usnea Florida

With dusk approaching the walk was cut short and the end to an interesting wander.

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