Tuesday 2 January 2018

Abstracting woodland

The last quarter of 2017 witnessed the extensive use of 100mm and 180mm macro lenses to record epiphytes at minimum focus distances in woodland environments and to avoid getting distracted from macro subject matter sometimes only those lenses were carried. So despite the good intentions the opportunity also arose to also explore abstracts of woodland subject matter and intimate views of the woodland.

180mm ~ Oak, Speech House woodland, Forest of Dean
100mm ~ Oak, Speech House woodland, Forest of Dean
100mm ~ Dead Holly, Speech House woodland, Forest of Dean
Decorticated wood was one source of inspiration and some low level light illuminating Holly berries was another.

180mm ~ Holly, Speech House woodland, Forest of Dean

Some 'epiphytescapes' were also attempted.

100mm ~ Veteran oak, Speech House woodland, Forest of Dean

100mm ~ Fallen oak, Speech House woodland, Forest of Dean
Finally on the last trip of 2017 a suitably blurred woodland background for a coral lichen coated tree trunk was chanced upon.

180mm ~ Coral lichen (Sphaerophorus globosus), Cnwch Wood, Elan Valley

The opportunity to abstract the woodland environment allowed some welcome relief from the travails of  pure macro photography and images made of subject matter that I wouldn't necessarily have made with the usual landscape lens line-up.

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