Friday 8 July 2016

The nadir of the landscape photography calender

Mid summer is the nadir for my inspiration to photograph the landscape. The window of quality light at dawn and dusk is all too brief, foliage is an unphotogenic drab green, haze and humidity reduce visibility and the dispiriting activity of clegs, mosquitos and midges make standing in one place an ordeal.

Prime Cleg territory

This year the weather has appeared optimal for grass growth or parasition by Hay Rattle has declined or some other factor(s), whatever the reasons, compositions of wild flowers have been compromised by the vigorous grass growth.


 Recent trips have instead been confined to exploring landscapes with an eye on late summer and autumn.

A scene scouted for autumnal potential

Hill walks have been unproductive and the glimmer of hope is that this may be a good year for heather moorland and plans put in place to take advantage of a weather window.

Heather moorland

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