Sunday 27 September 2015

Cathedral lighting in the woods

I have never been a fan of incorporating the sun in landscape photos, aesthetically it doesn't push my buttons, however in woodland, I am a fan of contre-jour lighting. Specifically woodland with a high canopy, where any openings or gaps in the canopy present an opportunity for what I call 'cathedral lighting'. The best lighting is from low angle light from a rising sun and the lighting effect as it passes through the dew saturated, translucent leaves and fronds of autumnal bracken, is reminiscent of sunlight through a stained glass window.

Recent weather has been remarkably benign, with no wind and clear blue skies, the prospect of clear skies holds little appeal for hills and uplands, so the woods have been visited for the sunrise in expectation of mist and fog, that expectation has yet to be fully met. After a break from woodland photography, the more visually complex scenery needed a recalibration of composition as many some images could have been better balanced and other images didn't convincingly capture the nature of the wood or indeed woodland. I am hoping that some mist will also put in an appearance before the leaves fall.

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