Sunday 21 June 2015

5DS R update - preorder angst

I received an email from Clifton Cameras, it read :

Dear Mr Tainton. 

 We have been advised by Canon UK that initial allocation of the new 5DS R bodies is poor throughout the UK, but they have assured us they are working hard to provide cameras as quickly as they possibly can.  As soon as we receive further updates, we will of course be in contact and assist you in any way we can. 

Should you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Thank you and kind regards, 

 XXXX XXXXX - Online Sales Manager 

Surprising news, as I was expecting a pre launch demonstration day, with a chance to get my hands on a demo 5DS R and make some images for comparison purposes with the 1Ds3.

The 5DS and 5DS R cameras have shipped and are in the hands of some customers, reviews are starting to feed through. Most insightful is a blog article from Lensrentals ( which tears down a 5DS and comments on various aspects of the camera design, build and images of the tear down stages. My eyebrows raised a tad reading the following passage

'I should probably mention weather sealing because many of you are fascinated by it. Canon presents the 5Ds and 5D sr as studio cameras and the weather sealing clearly isn't as robust as that we saw in the 7D Mk II, but it's still pretty good, particularly around the doors. You can see foamed sealing around the memory card door in an earlier image. There's similar sealing around the battery door on both sides. We didn't see any rubber gaskets around the top assembly, rear assembly, etc.'

Based on the accompanying teardown images, to my eyes the weather sealing was indeed pretty good for coping with the demands of an indoor studio camera, but it appeared pretty lame for anything outdoors and damp. So, digging out the UK Press literature when it was announced, the launch literature stated

‘… utilise Canon’s iconic design DNA–a highly durable body constructed from high-grade magnesium alloy to provide weather resilient shooting – ideal for landscape photographers who are dedicated to getting the perfect shot, whatever the weather.’

From what I've seen on the Lensrentals tear down,  I would be pretty stupid to use the camera if it rains or there's hill fog or mist about, which effectively puts the 5DS R into the 'chocolate fireguard' category of useful objects for my landscape photography needs.

EDIT - Canon's definition of 'weather resilient shooting', 'whatever the weather' is 3 mins of rainfall up to an intensity of 10mm/hr

'The bodies of the EOS 5DS and EOS 5DS R are made from a combination of the same durable materials as the EOS 5D Mark III – a steel base plate and a magnesium alloy body shell. These three cameras are also weather-sealed to protect against dust and moisture in harsh environments. Body panels interlock, rather than just join, and all seams buttons and dials are protected with rubber sealing. The weather protection provided by this design is high enough to endure exposure to rain of up to 10mm of rain per hour for a duration of up to approximately three minutes.'

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