Sunday 22 March 2015

Making plans

A trip pencilled in to the Graian Alps in June, to coincide with the areas spectacular wild flower displays both meadows and alpines, has had to be shelved until next year, due to work and social commitments. So with the wander lust of photographing wild flowers and scenery seeded, a look at what the UK had to offer in May and specifically Scotland.
Maybe 2016?

The Breadablane hills and Ben Lawers immediately came to mind, as did the Cairngorms for its arctic flora and scenery.  Nic, then chipped in that she would like to see some wildlife and specifically marine wildlife, hmmm. Googling 'sea safari, whale watching, boat trips' and some candidates were unveiled. Knowing full well of Scotlands changeable weather, the contingency plans of  wildlife hide, geology, woodland, bryophytes etc were assessed.
Ariundle woodland, November 2010

A list of potential locations were then appraised, Skye and Mull ticked a lot of wildlife, flora and scenery boxes, but not all, as I do like the chance of a wander amongst Pine and Oak woods.  Having visited Ariundle woods in autumn, there was a certain appeal for a spring visit. The Ardgour region also ticked almost all the must and want boxes, some boxes even had multiple ticks, a draft itinerary with, oh so important weather contingency plans, was duly outlined to Nic's approval. A cottage booked in Strontian, the web scoured to see if any effective effective midge, tick and cleg repellants had been formulated and a couple of months to finalise an itinerary for all weather eventualities, with fingers crossed for an optimal weather spell of sunshine and showers.

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